Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MAY I Ask You Something About You? (Blog Me MAYbe #4)

Blog Me MAYbe is a writer blog meme created/hosted by the lovely Sara McClung of BabblingFlow.Blogspot.com

  Wednesday Question: MAY I Ask You Something About You?

I'll admit that I'm really curious about all the other writers who blog out there. Since I've just started my writer blog, I'm green all over with noobishness (not envy. Not yet, anyway). I see all these other writers blogging and honestly wonder what they are writing. Especially of the ones who don't have any work published yet. What kinds of novels are you guys writing, anyway?

So, I'll start by talking about one of my WIPs (we all have a few at any given time, right?). I'm currently writing a novella that doesn't have a great working title, so I won't repeat the title, but it's an adult sci-fi/urban fantasy. 

Art by sakimichan of deviantART.com

It's about a youngish scientist who is totally obsessed with growing himself a pair of bird wings that can be used for unassisted flight. Even though he succeeds, things eventually go horribly wrong for him, and, yes, his is more of an anti-hero/tragic figure. It's sort of dark material. I wish I could justify how I thought this one up, but, alas, I cannot. I'm just weird. No point in hiding it.

Anyway, this begs the question of what are all of you currently working on. What reading grade is it? What genre? Is it a novel, novella, short story, a series of novels, epic poetry? Honestly, I really want to know what you all are writing out there. Do tell!


  1. Your WIP definitely sounds interesting. Most of my work is science fiction set in space.

    My WIP right now, however, is set in the near future where political differences have become so extreme that the United States has actually split in two. The two halves have, out of hatred for the other side, been driven to absolute extremes. One side is heavily socialistic, and the gov't, in control of all resources, has left its people starving most of the time. The other is controlled by a theocracy, and anyone who lives outside a certain definition of purity, is put into treatment centers. If they show no signs of improvement, they are executed. A buffer zone exists between the two halves to prevent direct contact.

    My main character is a gay man who escaped from a treatment center, and in a desperate bid for survival, runs for the buffer zone. There he meets others from both sides who didn't fit in where they came from, and he learns to coexist with them over time. His biggest struggle though, is learning to accept himself. It may not be science fiction in the way that I typically write it, but it fits into the realm of speculative fiction.

    The goal of this piece is to show how strict adherence to ideology over all else, especially the lives of people, can be dangerous. I guess I'll see how well I accomplish that goal. Fingers crossed.

    1. @L.G.: Sounds really cool! I like the idea of a fractured U.S.'s two halves operating so differently from each other. Seems a bit dystopian to me. I like the theme you have for it, too. You seem like your such an excellent thematic writer. You really execute theme well from what I've read of your excerpts.

      Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. I'm working on a YA Dystopunk (blend of dystopia and cyberpunk) novel that's currently with my editor. In a nutshell, it's about a math prodigy who wants to be a mercenary. I hope to have this out in June.

    I'm also waiting to get beta reads back on an adult novella about a retired Asian warrior who adopts a little girl born in a brothel.

    Oh, and in one of my future novels (the YA Dystopunk) one of the characters WILL grow wings. We should swap notes. :)

    1. @Camille: Really? One of your dystopunk characters grows wing? That is so great! Yeah, we ought to beta-read for each other. I'm very willing to do that!

      They both sound like very amazing stories, Camille. No surprise there, since I already love your currently published work. Great to see you moving up to YA and adult fiction. Usually, that's what I read, so I'm excited about your future work!

  3. You already know what I'm writing at the moment and a few future projects of mine but I'm also thinking of writing a steampunk fantasy novel (as my books always are no matter how hard I want them to be novellas)about an upper class girl whose father is a tinkerer and whose mother is descended from dragons and is an alchemist. I haven't really fleshed it out yet but I'm already thinking titles. Possibly The Lady Alchemist. YA as usual since i can't seem to shake that genre.

    That pic you've chosen is the perfect representation of the book you're going to write. And can I suggest Pitch Black as a title?

    1. @Lan: That's a cool concept for you steampunk novel! I like it a lot. Let me know more about it through email, especially if you decide to write it soon.

      That is a good pic, isn't it? "Pitch Black" is a pretty good title suggestion. I'll have to consider it.

  4. What a great question for your followers! I might borrow it next week (and give you credit if I do, of course) if that's okay!

    I'm working on a YA paranormal. Two girls, one out to destroy the other. I know that's vague, but I don't usually share much, plot-wise. I get nervous about jinxing myself somehow... ;)

    1. @Sara: You're welcome to use this question anytime. I figured it wasn't original on my part. Be my guest!

      I like your YA paranormal idea, even if it is vague. It sounds like there'd be a lot of inherent conflict. And, I get nervous about sharing my ideas, too. Usually, because I'm so inclined to change them at random and I hate to seem like a flake to people.

  5. I'm working on a few things: a family history memoir, a collection of short stories, some poetry. I have the inkling of a YA novel idea as well, but I'll have to see how that pans out.

    1. @Dana: That sounds great! A family history memoir is a really cool idea and would lead you to discovering so many things about your ancestors. I bet that will be amazingly fun.


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