Thursday, May 31, 2012

Annoying YA Female Heroines (Blog Me MAYbe #5)

 Blog Me MAYbe is a writer blog meme created/hosted by the lovely Sara McClung of

 Thursday Question: MAY I Tell You About Someone Else?

Today, for this last day of "Blog Me MAYbe," I want to talk about a notoriously annoying YA female heroine in animation--not books! She's a 15-year-old spoiled princess who thinks she's better than everyone else, and her name is Lumpy Space Princess from the TV series, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake. And... I completely adore her!

The funny thing about Lumpy Space Princess (or "LSP," as she is usually called) is that people tend to either love her to death, or hate her. She's a drama queen who loves to stir up drama where it wouldn't otherwise exist, and talks back to her parents, even running away from home when she gets frustrated with them. 

Of course, she is an exaggerated version of a classic Valley Girl and is even voiced by her creator, Pendleton Ward, a thirty-something-year-old man. So, she is meant to be a comedic figure in an animated TV comedy for kids. But, she is the parody of all irritating, to-stupid-to-live teenage female heroines in all fictional storytelling. Maybe because she's meant to be a royal b*tch to the point of hilarity, I can accept her so warmly into my heart.

All I know is this annoying YA female heroine is perfect just as she is, gorgeous lumps and all. Unlike many YA female heroines who just grate on my nerves in their fictional worlds, LSP delights me with her her own made up slang ("Oh. My. Glob!?") and songs dedicated to her luscious lumps. She's proud to be the spoiled princess of Lumpy Space, proud to be selfish and obsessed with her ex-boyfriend Brad. Because she wears these badges with confidence, I can't help but respect her for it. In fact, I just LOVE her for it. I think she's my new muse!

If you want to check out a video of various clips of her quoting her famous and infamous quotes from the show, then watch this video. It's 8 minutes long, but you can skip around if you want. Even just one minute of watching will give you a very good idea of what she's like. And, I guarantee you'll either lover her or hate her. ;)

Here's a link to the video on Youtube, if you want to see it at a bigger size:


  1. LOL! That clip is so funny. I think there's a huge difference between a funny annoying heroine (though I don't find LPS annoying at all) and the ones we see in books. For some reason, being a royal b@tch on TV is a lot more endearing than being one in a book. Maybe because on the screen you can see non verbal clues but in a book, all you've got to base them on is the MC's interpretation.

    1. @Lan: Yeah, maybe it does help when you can see the character and not have a biased POV to view them with. She is so hysterical!

  2. Funny! I think I could learn to love her. :)

    1. @Dana: Yay! She is lovable brat, after all. ;)

  3. OMG! Lumpy Spacr Princess! I am cracking up! Too funny.

    1. @Camille: I know! She is so lumping hilarious....


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