Saturday, May 5, 2012

In the Beginning...

Hello, people of the blogging and writing world. I am Cathy Keaton and I am a wannabe writer. There, I said it! I've been dreaming of publishing my own novels for nigh on fifteen years, and I even have a Young Adult urban fantasy in the works. It's high time I put my nose to the grind-stone, and finish that manuscript, isn't it?

This blog is intended as a way to connect with other writers and share my journey as an amateur writer with A LOT to learn. Do you have a lot to learn as a writer, too? Well, maybe we can help each other out from time to time. 

I'm hoping this blog can be a fun place for me share what I'm learning about writing fiction as I learn it in real time. And, since there are so many different ways to learn the craft of writing, I should have lots of interesting content. That's what I'm aiming for, anyway. 

Let the blogging about my writing begin.... 


  1. This is the same reason I started my blog. I haven't had anything big published yet,though I have a lot of material to work with. It's just a matter of getting it polished and out there. Being a writer can be daunting sometimes. Good luck with your own writing. Thanks for your concern about my hand. Today it feels better and I can type with both hands now without it bothering me too much. I should be back to my normal writing pace within a day or two.

    1. @L.G.: Yes, being a writer can be VERY daunting at times. I'm glad you started your blog for the same reason I did. I hope it helps to know other would-be writers out there struggling as I am.

      I'm glad your hand is doing better! You've gotta get back to the MS. :)


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