Wednesday, January 6, 2016

IWSG: The New Year's Resolution Edition (#21)

Insecure Writers' Support Group (IWSG) is a really awesome meme that you should be doing along with the rest of us writers. Unless you truly are happy with your writing and don't feel the need to vent about your insecurities because they don't exist for you. But, really.... Don't they?  
IWSG is hosted by Captain Ninja Alex at his blog, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! It's a little late, but there it is. I suppose we're all still adjusting to the fact that it's already January 2016. Like, how are we supposed to digest that? It's as if time keeps chugging away and I'm still trying to get out of bed in the morning.

Anyway, I want to do another New Year's Resolution for 2016, like how I did for 2015. Again, I intend to set a general word count of 100,000 words for the year, but I really intend to add a couple more resolutions that are a bit more challenging than that. (Gotta keep upping the ante, right?)

First off, I'm resolving to finish a first draft of a new novel I have been planning out recently. I started my goal on January 1st, so I'm already going at now. It should only be about 60,000 words long, perhaps a bit longer. It is, thankfully, an intentionally short novel for the genre I'm writing (Adult contemporary Austen romance).

Then--and this is the hard part--I am resolving to publish the book myself this year! As in self-publish! I know, right? Me, actually publish a book for real? That's like, insanely something I've never managed to do ever before. How can I ever hope to pull this off? It's only a silly dream of mine, right?

Well, I intend to make the dream a reality. So, add to my list of resolutions to actually publish a novel before the year is over. I don't even care when I do it, as long as it is by the 31st of December 2016. It's technically still this year, so it'll do. Can't get too picky about hard goals, now. 

I don't have any high expectations for it, either. I hope to do most of the production myself, although I might need a cover artist. I don't expect anyone to read it or even like it (the genre has a small audience, anyway). I just want to finally publish a book and be a real author! Then, I can get on to writing and publishing my second book....

What's your New Year's Resolution, assuming you have one? You do have one, don't you?


  1. With your enthusiasm and energy, I'm positive you will finish the first draft of your new novel. You will self-publish. Trust the answers and information you require will arrive to guide you.

    As a new writer, my goal is much smaller: to express feeling and emotions that make my readers cry, cringe, and chuckle.

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you're right. Good luck with your own writer goals. None are too small because if they matter to you, then they are a big deal. ;)

  2. Yay! Some great and very achievable resolutions! Can't wait until you publish and I'm sure there will be many people who will enjoy reading your novel. Who doesn't like an interpretation of a classic!? Cheering for you!

    1. I know, right! I think I can really do it this time. I have to be ready by now. It's just been so long. I hope some people like the book, but I don't care if they don't. It's just more of the achievement that I'm going for.

  3. Self-publishing your book sounds like a great idea.
    I get the impression that this is something you've thought about for a while...and sounds like you have the attitude and energy to achieve it!
    Keep us posted!
    Happy IWSG Day!

    Michelle@Writer In Transit
    January Co-host.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I've been wanting to self-publish for the past 5 years, so, yes I've been thinking about it for a while. I hope I have what it takes by now!

  4. You can do it! There are plenty of authors that can help you with questions and we have a great list of resources at the IWSG site for self-publishing.

    1. Thank you, Alex! I hope your IWSG resources will be of help to me. I'll probably need them!

  5. Great goal! I'd totally read your book. It sounds good.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! That means a lot coming from you. If I actually publish my book, you'll at least know about it from following my blog. ;)

  6. I'm for you from the sidelines, Cathy. You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! I'm thinking in 3s today, sorry. But I know you can.

    1. Thanks so much! I don't mind encouragement in 3s. It's more motivating than in 1s.

  7. It's always good to up the ante when you can. Best wishes for you to accomplish your goals!

    1. It's good to keep challenging yourself. Keeps from getting lazy. Thanks, Cherie!

  8. Best of luck to you! One of the goals I've set for my writing is to get back out on the query trail. I need to find someone help with rewriting my query letter, and I have a few good candidates. I have hope that I'll find that one agent who loves my book as much as I do.

    1. Good luck with your querying, Ryan! I hope you get all the help you need from the right people. Keep at it and I'm sure you will. ;)

  9. Aim high. That's the spirit. You're certainly going to keep yourself busy this year. Good luck with your goals.

    1. Thanks, Ken! I'm trying to do some scary-for-me things here, but it's very exciting, too. At least for now, it is. Yes, I'll be busy this year, if anything, and looking forward to it.

  10. Yes, make your dream a reality! That's what we all must do. I love your goals and know that if you just keep plugging away, you'll get where you want to go! Wishing you an awesome 2016!! :)

    1. Thanks, Lexa! I hope you're right and that this is my year. Happy 2016 to you, too!

  11. You can totally do this, Cathy! Love your determination and I'd love to read your book when it's published. 2016 sounds like it's going to be your year! :D

    1. Thanks, Elise! That's so nice of you to say. I hope it will be my year, too. :D


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