Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (#2): Books I HAD to Buy...But Haven't Read

"Top Ten Tuesday" is a weekly (super fun) book blog meme hosted by the awesome folks at The Broke and the Bookish.

Geez... I am so guilty of this week's topic and am currently trying hard to correct my ways. I make sure every other book I read is one I've had around for at least one year or more. I am soooo bad.....


1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

I'm so bad about reading the HP series and I still need to read Book 2. I know y'all are looking at these words cross-eyed right now, but don't hate! Some people were older when these books came out. Old enough to not want to read children's books. And, some still don't really dig Middle Grade. ("Someone" is me, by the way. HP is good, though!)

2. Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas

I've been excited to read this one for a long time now, since late last summer, and I still haven't read it. It dismays me quite a bit to have to admit that. I read the prequel novellas and they were fabulous, so I don't know what it's going to take to get me to finally read the first novel. (I like the cover of the UK edition better than the U.S. one.)  

3. Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

I haven't read any Westerfeld, but he's super popular and I just need to sit down and read one of his books. I like steampunk, so I figure I'll like this one. 

4. The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge

I've had this one for over a year and was so sure I would have read it by now...but no. I have way too many books and not enough time or energy to read them! This book has one of my favorite covers. Gorgeous. I need to find out if the contents are equally as gorgeous. 

5. Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber

This book has a super interesting premise and I should have read it ages ago... ugh. Story of my life. I think I read some of the first chapter and was blown away, so why haven't I dived into this? I'm clonking myself on the head as I type this (because I have three arms, actually. Very handy...). Victorian men in portrait paintings totally speak to me, too. And, you thought having three arms made me weird...? Heh.

6. Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney

Is this one about a man in a mirror? Actually, I don't know, but it seems to be about a school for magical people. Maybe it's like HP for the teenagers of the Regency era. Seriously, that sounds so cool! I'd probably love a book like that more than HP on premise alone.

7. Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

I actually have Linger and Forever and it is taking me forever to read these books. I read Shiver, Book 1, what feels like ages ago (nearly 2 years) and I think I'll have to reread it, since I can't remember too well what happens in it. There are werewolves that turn when they get too cold, or something like that. It was really good! 

8. Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George

I'm not even familiar with The Twelve Dancing Princesses, but it sounds pretty sweet. At least the synopsis for this book sounds pretty sweet and like something I should have read a really long time ago...but I haven't. I need a second pair of eyes so I can read while I'm doing other things (like blogging). 

9. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken       

This book is fairly knew (December 2012), but I meant to read it as soon as I got it after Christmas last year and still haven't. It's being hailed as super good dystopian fiction and I want to see what I think of it. 

10. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

I like the premise for this book as well, and I downloaded a free audiobook version of this last summer, but I still haven't listened to it yet. I'm not big on audiobooks, but a free book is a free book, especially when it's this book. I just take what I can get. I'm starting to realize how much I dislike ghosts, but I still love the idea for this story. I only hope it's not too heavy on the horror, since I'm not big on horror. 

What books do you have on your shelves collecting dust because you've been slacking off about reading them? I can't be the only person who has too many books to read and not enough time to read them! Or, can I...?



  1. I remember The Iron Thorn having the best first sentence I've ever read. Though for some reason I never ended up reading past the first few pages. I think because I got inundated with too many books to read. I think I got the sample of Throne of Glass and didn't really enjoy it so I'm going to be good to myself and not make myself read a book that I won't like. Therefore no 1 star review :)

    1. @Lan: I haven't read the first sentence of The Iron Thorn yet, but I'll make myself read the entire book because I already went out of my way to buy it. If you didn't like how a sample of ToG read, then you don't have to read it. No reason to make yourself read anything if you can tell that it isn't your cup o' tea. Doesn't matter how popular it is--if you hate a book, you'll make yourself miserable reading it.

  2. No, my iPad is full of books I haven't read yet!

    1. @Alex: Good to know I'm not the only one. I always seem to think I'm the only one with problems, lol. :)

  3. Yep, quite a few of those books are on my to-read list or on my Kindle waiting to be read. There's just too many books and not enough time! LOL!

    1. @Cherie: Oh, cool! Yeah, there are just too many books to read and books can't be consumed as quickly as TV or movies. ;)

  4. Leviathan is wonderful. And there are those gorgeous illoes that go with it. I read Throne of Glass, thought it okay, but am not planning to read any more - if you liked the novellas, you will probably like the novel. Absolutely don't read any more Harry Potter till you've finished Chamber Of Secrets! It has information that is very important in the later books.


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