Thursday, March 21, 2013

An Artist Is...


I think this is why I write so very, very slow and why I drop some projects like a bad habit. I can't write anything without my heart being fully infused in it. And when it is, I'm squeezing every last drop of juice I've got. It has to be just right, or it ain't worth it.... 



  1. That is a great saying!
    I write ever so slowly as well. It has to be good the first time. I don't demand perfection, just really darn good.

    1. @Alex: I need that really good draft the first time, too. Not perfect because that's unrealistic. But, I take my time because I feel the need to get everything in there and make it all fit right.

  2. Seriously, I'm slow, too. Others just have scenes and characters pop into their head and write them up. I consider all choices and details of everything before I write. Nothing goes in unless I'm sure it's the best possible way to express what I want. I'm not sure anyone notices or cares but me though...

    1. @Lexa: Glad I'm not the only slow and deliberate writer. I feel the same way that I don't want to write anything unless it's the best possible expression of how I want it to turn out. So time-consuming, but I can't seem to change my ways. :)

  3. What a great quote!

    I'm typically a faster writer, but it's often because I've been daydreaming/thinking/pondering a story for months/years before I ever sit down to write it.

    1. @Cherie: I daydream and think about my stories for months and years before I ever write them, too! But, it doesn't help me write any faster. I wish it did, though. You're so lucky! :)


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