Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Top 10 Summer Reads To Be Read (Top Ten Tuesday #1)

"Top Ten Tuesday" is a bookish meme hosted by 

I used to do this meme over on my book blog, but I don't keep that up too much anymore. Still, I really enjoyed doing this meme whenever it wasn't too hard to make up a full list of 10 books for whatever topic I needed to use for that week.

This week's topic is a super easy one:


1. Blood Past (Warriors of Ankh, #2) by Samantha Young 
I've been really wanting to read the second book in this trilogy because I weirdly liked a particular character who played a really small role in Book 1, but he plays the larger villain role in Book 2. He was intriguing, even if he was a total sicko (lol).

2. Insurgent (Divergent, #2) by Veronica Roth 
Divergent was a really amazing book, for me at least, and I've been impatiently awaiting Book 2 since I read it last August. I don't even know why I like it, but it was very compelling.

3. Graceling (Graceling Realm, #1) by Kristin Cashore
Since I got an ARC of Bitterblue, I realized I would need to read Book 1 in this series, so I had to get myself Graceling. So far, it passed by Page 69 Test with flying colors, so I have hope that I'll like this one. It actually did pretty well, sales-wise, even though it released in 2008 when The Hunger Games came out.

4. Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3) by Kristin Cashore 
It's Book 3 rather than Book 2, but it's the next book chronologically after Book 1, so I'm reading it before Fire, Book 2.

5. A Spy in the House (The Agency, #1) by Y.S. Lee
This book looks so cute and it's about a girl who becomes a daring agent in Victorian England. Pretty cool premise and from other people's reviews, it's a good one.

6. Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare Blake
I'm planning on getting an audiobook of this during the summer, but I've been meaning to read it for a while now. It has a really interesting premise, although I hope it's not too scary for me. I can scare easily sometimes.

7. Darker Still (Magic Most Foul, #1) by Leanna Renee Hieber
I've had this book on my shelf for a little while and been meaning to read it, but I never get to it. Guh! I hope I can actually sit and read this during the summer for real. 

8. The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1) by Julie Kagawa
Julie Kagawa is one of my favorite authors, so I'll read anything she writes. I got this one last month, but I have very little time to read anymore, so my ARCs and review copies are getting in the way of me reading this. Gotta cross my fingers for doing it this summer.

 9. The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia
Eep. I've been meaning to read this for a long time and I've been so bad about not reading it! It's about an android woman with a clockwork heart... I mean, do I need anymore reason to read it than that? Emphatically, no.... 

10. Velveteen (Velveteen, #1) by Daniel Marks
Gotta read this ARC, but, actually, I've been following Danny Marks' vlogs for a long time now and he's just so funny. I remember when Velveteen was a wee unsold manuscript back in the old days. I hope Danny infused Velveteen with all that snark and hilarity he graces us with in his videos.

What are you planning on reading this summer? Have you already read any of these books? What did you think of them?



  1. I can't believe you haven't read The Immortal Rules straight away! I'm hearing good things about it. God I really love the cover of Samantha Young's books. I wonder who does her covers? I read a little bit of Graceling but then stopped for some reason. I really should pick it back up again.

    1. @Lan: I know, right? But, like I said, it's those pesky ARCs and RCs getting in my way. I have to get rid of them!

      Phatpuppyart does S. Young's book covers, as she does a lot of other people's covers. I really like how she does S. Young's in particular.

  2. I haven't read any of those, but some of them sound really good to me! I don't have any plans yet for what I'll read this summer. I just look at the shelf and grab what sounds interesting. Happy reading!

    1. @Dana: Yeah, that's a good way to do it. I still have some reading obligations to get to, so I don't have that luxury. You're lucky! Have a great reading summer. :)

  3. I'd like to re-read Graceling and then read Fire and then read Bitterblue. It's been so long since I read the first book that I'd appreciate the series/companion books better if I read them at once.

    1. @Alison: I guess I'm doing something right by reading them back-to-back, then. Thanks for the comment!


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