Wednesday, September 5, 2018

IWSG: The Update-from-Hell Edition... (#36)

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly support system for blogging writers in need of finding other writers to connect with and share our deepest insecurities in a safe environment. Created by the clever Alex J. Cavanaugh with the expressed purpose to "share and encourage."

It's been a while since I've "shown my face" around here, but I decided I feel well enough to at least post a few words. It's been an interesting several months....

I've been struck down since last spring with all kinds of hormonal issues relating to my age (if you can take a hint... I'm in my early forties...) and adrenal fatigue, which also causes its own set of hormonal problems no matter your age or sex. All rolled up together, it's called Hormone Hell and it's not a very fun place to be. I'm still there, but I wanted to send an update so I feel more normal. It's kind of working.

I'm still trying to balance everything out and my adrenal hormones give me the most trouble regularly. I get very low blood pressure as a result, so it's like I'm wading my life through water. Salt helps, but I need to heal my adrenal glands. A helpful hint: don't ever ride on adrenaline for too long or be under extreme stress for too long (as if you have a choice!). You will get sick and your adrenals will burn out. Be kind to your body and don't abuse it. You don't have a spare, though spare bodies is a cool idea for a sci-fi novel!

This month's optional question: What publishing path are you considering/did you take, and why? 

Well, I've been intending to self-publish since early 2011 after discovering it was something that actually made authors some money. I didn't think it did until Joe Konrath was publishing the sales numbers for some authors and, in particular, Amanda Hocking. She sold around 10,000 copies in one month alone, so I knew it was something that had become possible, and I really hated trying to figure out how to write a good query letter.

The TRUEST form of hell I've experienced is trying to figure out how to get a super stressed-out literary agent to read beyond your first sentence of your query letter without hitting the "trash" button. I learned these are not the kind of people you want to invite over for dinner, that's for sure. I was so depressed at that point, I was about to throw in the towel, but I kept on hearing about Joe Konrath and his ebook sales all being due to having an existing audience, and discovered his blog and how all those lit agents were lying about that, because he didn't have an existing audience at all. I was done listening to their lies and never went back.

It felt immediately liberating knowing I'd be doing all the publishing myself for my own works. Some people might not like all that extra stuff, but I actually like it so much, perhaps more than writing! My only issue is that I can't get my first drafts finished so I can get to the fun stuff beyond them.

Anyway, that's my story. What publishing path suits you best?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

IWSG: The No-One-Ever-Said-I'm-Not-a-Failure Edition... (#35)

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly support system for blogging writers in need of finding other writers to connect with and share our deepest insecurities in a safe environment. Created by the clever Alex J. Cavanaugh with the expressed purpose to "share and encourage."

This month's optional question is, "When your writing life is a bit cloudy or filled with rain, what do you do to dig down and keep on writing?"

Well, this question implies that I have somehow already figured out how to get through the stormy days of writing by still writing. I can assure you that I haven't done any such thing. I still wait it out until the sun starts shining again before I get back to it. Sorry. No one ever said I'm not a failure at this writing thing.

I know it's an area where I need some big growth, so I'll be working on it. We'll see what I feel I need to do when the time comes. I know I have to get better at just keeping the nose to the grindstone, so I'll remember how embarrassing it was to have to admit to this on my blog (today) and it will motivate me to persevere through the tough writing days from now on. See? Who doesn't want to be one of the cool kids?

What do you do to get through the stormy writing days? Maybe you have some sage wisdom to impart to me.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

IWSG: The I'm-Kinda-Boring Edition... (#34)

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly support system for blogging writers in need of finding other writers to connect with and share our deepest insecurities in a safe environment. Created by the clever Alex J. Cavanaugh with the expressed purpose to "share and encourage."

This month's optional question is: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal / finish a story?

I don't do any celebrating when I finish a story or achieve a writing goal, although I don't finish my stories often, so that could be why. I suppose it never occurs to me to do anything. Just achieving the goal is reward enough!

I'm not very creative about stuff like this because I get so focused on just trying to get to the finish line. I suppose I'll go around and see what other authors are saying they do to celebrate because I've got nothing. Outta juice!

What should I be doing to reward myself for achieving a writing goal? Any suggestions? Maybe I'll be inspired by other people's ideas. Leave them in the comments.... ;)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

IWSG: The It's-All-Planned Edition... (#33)

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly support system for blogging writers in need of finding other writers to connect with and share our deepest insecurities in a safe environment. Created by the clever Alex J. Cavanaugh with the expressed purpose to "share and encourage."

This month's optional question: What steps have you taken to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?

As of last spring/summer, I figured out "batching" is a scheduling trick that works for me in being productive for things I love to procrastinate. I spend three days per week, always leaving a day in between, just dedicated to writing and doing as little of anything else as possible. They are "writing days," thus they are just for that and not reading, watching TV, playing video games, or going shopping, etc. Just writing. I find I actually have the energy to do the writing with this trick.

It actually works for me really well, so I intend to keep doing that for writing. Right now, I'm doing research on the historical era I'm planning on writing about for a forth-coming Regency romance novel on the docket, but not batching that research, so I probably need to figure out how to do that. I'm having trouble with it. Batching helps me so much, I do it with the dusting because I HATE dusting....

Other than this, the plan is to write this historical romance novel, then write a free newsletter novella of the same genre and then write yet another historical romance novel. Can I do all this in one year? History would say, "no," but it might be worth trying, anyway. I may get a novel completed for a change by trying to get two-and-a-half completed in one year.

As for publishing, well... we'll take things in stride. I need to get used to finishing long novel WIPs first before I go "planning" how to publish said finished drafts.

What have you done to plan out your writing and publishing this year?

IWSG: The I-Have-Returned Edition... (#37)

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly support system for blogging writers in need of finding other writers to co...