Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (#3): Books I Was Surprised I Liked/Didn't Like

"Top Ten Tuesday" is a weekly (super fun) book blog meme hosted by the awesome folks at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's topic is a REWIND, so I decided to do one I missed from an earlier TTT topic.


1. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

I adore Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey series so naturally I figured I'd love her newer vampire apocalypse series. Well.... It's really good and I like it, but I didn't feel like Kagawa brought her A-game in this book. The characters were not as interesting as the Iron Fey characters and the story spent a lot of time with certain uninteresting characters while ignoring the only truly interesting one in the entire story. Oh well... Can't win 'em all.

2. Hounded by Kevin Hearne

Before I read this book, I had it sitting on my shelf for several months. I figured it was a book I'd like, but until I read it, I didn't know just HOW much. I LOVE this book and the next two something fierce! It really surprised me, even though I had a good feeling I would like it beforehand. The characters are amazing and it's just so hilarious.

3. Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

This YA steampunk fantasy is set in a Japan-like world with all the good stuff I've come to love from anime. I figured this book was a shoe-in for an all-time fave. Nuh-uh. Once I cracked it open, I felt like I had to slog through mud up to my ears just to get anywhere with this story. Slowest book I've ever read, ever. Too much description of everything and very boring, unrealistic characters. I was very disappointed (and kinda mad) at this book, as it felt amateurish at best. 

4. The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
Let's face it. Sometimes authors can do better, right? I really thought I'd love this book to pieces. I loved the free ebook prequel, so why not the first actual novel? No. I just couldn't get into it. All the characters were superficially designed and felt like they barely stuck to the pages. The story had no purpose and it was just an unoriginal mess. The premise had potential, but the execution was lacking.

5. Flash Gold by Lindsay Buroker

I read this e-novella a couple of years ago because I happened to get it for free (it's still free) and decided to give it a shot. I didn't expect anything to stand out for me, but... Wow! This book was really awesome and the characters were so fun and hilarious together. I liked how the main character, Kali and the bounty hunter, Cedar got along. Very surprisingly interesting stuff here. (Lindsay, if you're reading this, you NEED to continue this series!)

6. The Collector by Victoria Scott

I was so excited and hyped about this book before it came out recently, so I preordered my copy back in January. I loved how the main character seemed to be cool and funny, reminding me of a favorite character from a video game series I love. I totally devoured the first half of this book, but the steam just dissipated after that. I realized I just didn't like this character all that much. The book ends very deus ex machina-like, depriving the protagonist a chance at "saving the day" himself. He was a bad boy going through major reformation, but I didn't end up believing it. Disappointing.

7. The Faerie Guardian by Rachel Morgan

I didn't have any expectations going into this YA faerie novel, but it ended up being so flippin' great! I had started out reading the free Part 1 ebook version and was totally hooked after that. I loved the character Oryn, who is the protagonist, Violet's, sort of faerie rival. As you can see, I'm big on characters and this book delivered surprisingly well. 

8. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Everyone was going nuts over this book just after it came out and I figured I'd like it, too. I'd heard about the villain character being particularly interesting and I love me some great villains. But, when I read it, it was all about insta-love and an overly emotionally drawn out heroine who didn't seem very heroic to me. It was too shallow. 

9. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

This one is really low on my list because it's not like I hated this book, or anything. I really liked it, actually. It's a book that has so much charisma going for it that even though I didn't love it, I knew it was special, nonetheless. I have a ton of respect for this book and I will read the remaining six sequels, but having heard so much hype for so many years prior to reading it, I expected to be blown away. I wasn't so much. It's awesome, but I suspect it's because I can't fully appreciate Middle Grade fiction, and it hampered my ability to completely love this very popular book. Don't kill me!

10. The Emerald Atlas by John Stevens

I suppose this book deserves to be on my list, too, because it was being touted as "the next Harry Potter" before it came out. I expected it to be phenomenal, but it was lukewarm at best. It's a nice enough book, but it's nowhere near as charming as Harry Potter. Again, I have trouble loving Middle Grade fiction, but even I could tell this book was never going to become another HP

Which books let you down or totally left you blown away unexpectedly? Read any of these books and feel the same as me? 



  1. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to read the Steel Corset. And don't worry about the Harry Potter - I really enjoyed the book, but wouldn't put it on my favorite book list either.

    1. @T. Drecker: Read The Girl in the Steel Corset if you think you might like it. I just didn't think it was all that great.

  2. I have only read Shatter Me, which I could take or leave, and the Harry Potter book. Now, THAT series will become a classic! The first is just a rather enjoyable children's book, but it develops into much, much more. I read it on a friend's recommendation, before it became an international bestseller, enjoyed it enough to read the rest as they came out and never regretted it. Keep going!

    1. @Sue: I'm sure HP is already a classic by now. I need to keep on reading the rest of the books so I can see if they start to develop into books I can really connect with.

  3. Rachel Morgan is an excellent writer.
    Everyone raves about Dan Simmons, but I was thoroughly bored with The Terror.
    I was nervous going into The Mistaken by Nancy Thompson because I was reading a review copy and supposed to supply a blurb. (What if I didn't like it?) It was awesome and the best book I read last year.

    1. @Alex: Yes, Rachel is an excellent writer! I'm not familiar with the other authors you've mentioned, but we all have these experiences as readers with books surprising us somehow or other.

  4. Isn't Hounded amazing!? I couldn't believe just how much I loved it either! You have some other interesting choices on here most of which I sadly still have not read, other than Harry Potter of course. I'm biased about the HP novels though as I was the perfect age when they started.
    Here's mine http://foreverdream21.blogspot.ca/2013/04/top-ten-tuesday-5.html#comment-form

    P.S. I'm a new follower!

    1. @Brittany: Yes, Hounded is amazing! I was already an adult when HP came out, so I wasn't inclined to read it way back then. I didn't read it until last year, lol. It's a great book, but I'm too old for it.

      Thanks for following!

  5. These are all great books! Harry Potter is by far my favorite one, mainly because I practically grew up with Harry Potter.


    1. @Gina: I didn't grow up with Harry Potter so I didn't have the kind of experience some people did with it. I'm sure I would have had I been a kid reading it, though. It's a fabulous book for children.

  6. Whew! I am so relieved my book is on the "relieved I LIKED it" list!
    Hmm, I recently ordered Shatter Me and it arrived a few days ago. Really looking forward to it, but now I see you didn't really like it ... I hope I end up being one of the people who goes nuts over it!

    1. @Rachel: Yes, of course it is! I loved it. I hope you do like Shatter Me, after all. Don't let the fact that it wasn't my cup of tea detract from your own experience. ;)

  7. I do a lot of reading... however have never read any of the authors above. Thanks for the review.... good to know!

    1. @My Journey: You're welcome! Glad I could help. ;)

  8. I confess I haven't read any of these. But I really like the fact that you don't go with the crowd. Too many times I've read rave reviews and got my hopes up only to have them dashed in the first chapter. (Case in point, The Madman's Daughter.) When a book doesn't impress me in the first chapter, I don't read on. There are scores of books laying around that I'll never finish.
    I like your honesty! :-)

    1. @Lexa: I was planning on buying The Madman's Daughter, but read a lot of reviews saying it was kinda bad, so I decided to pass on it. I like to give a book more than just a first chapter to impress me, since sometimes books are bad at the beginning. Doesn't mean they don't get better later.

      Thanks! :)

  9. I really did like The Immortal Rules, but I haven't read her Iron Fey series, so I had nothing to go off on. Harry Potter gets better with each book (it's such a rich and complex world they live in), although I love them all. And I loved Rachel's book. I can't wait to read The Faerie Prince!

    1. @Cherie: I think The Immortal Rules is good, but not preferable to The Iron Fey series. I can't wait to read the Faerie Prince, too! ;)


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