Friday, April 5, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things! (#1)

"Celebrate the Small Things" is a blog meme hosted by VikLit at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author

I'm a little late with this, but I'm doing it anyway. 

I've actually been wanting to participate in this blog meme for a long time now, but I guess I've been having trouble seeing my small accomplishments as worthy of an entire blog post. But, that is what this whole meme is about, so insignificance, be as insignificant as you want! You are getting your day in the sun today....

Now that March is over, I can look back and see that I did accomplish something pretty great for me, personally, last month. I am a book buying addict and need serious therapy, so I've been trying to place book buying caps on each month since this year started. I have SO, SO, SO many books to read and cannot possibly read them all in the next three decades, so this nonsense needs to stop!

January was a super bad month due to Christmas gift cards (although, I always love them! I just shouldn't use them for books so much). February was on track with only 2 book purchases because that is what I've decided on as my limit each month. But, last month I did even better and bought only ONE book the entire month.......... O_O (Am I even me anymore?)

This book was one I wasn't even going to buy at all because I know I won't be reading it any time soon, but I knew I would buy it one day. It was a copy I found from a small indie bookstore online and much cheaper than any new versions of the book I'd seen anywhere else. I had to take advantage and I don't regret it at all. I one-upped myself and proved I can control my book buying habits, after all.

Besides this, I've been churning out some word counts for a new Young Adult sci-fi/apocalypse novel I decided to impromptu-start last week. Somehow, this makes me feel accomplished, even though it meant putting my YA fantasy novel on ice for now. But, that's just my way. Out with the old and in with the new!

Join the "Celebrate the Small Things" Blog Hop Every Friday

The rules are simple: you post something small you'd like to celebrate - tidying that cupboard, finally getting to the gym. You join the linky list. You hop around other people's blogs and say YAY and CONGRATS and join in the happy feelings.  


  1. Yay for insignificance! Although the post can be about something significant too. That's the beauty of the meme - you can post almost anything you want to!
    I also have too many TBR books, but good for you for showing restraint. Good luck on your SF/Apocalypse novel! :-)

    1. @Lexa: I like this meme and I hope I can figure out a way to celebrate some small thing every week. It really helps in keeping a grateful heart for all the little good things that skitter along your way.

      Thanks for your support! ;)

  2. I think the last month has been truly significant for you! The decision to put one writing project aside for another is not one to be taken lightly. I'm so glad you've found an idea that really excites you and I don't think you should minimise the importance of that. Good on you for scaling back on the books you buy. I have managed to do that too. I just have so many and my reading has really taken a hit because of my writing.

    1. @Lan: Do you really? I have partly you to thank for helping me realize that I needed to put away Winged for the time being. I need honest feedback from those I let read my MS's and I can't make the hard decisions without you.

      Glad to hear you've been scaling back on book buying, too. It's so addictive and expensive. That TBR pile just never goes down if you don't scale back A LOT!

  3. I am speechless with admiration! I try so hard to stop with the book buying, because I just have no more space, but... And lately, I have been buying e books or downloading Project Gutenberg classics, which take up no space except on my iPad, but as you say, when are you going to read them all?

    Well done!

  4. With the Challenge in full swing, I've been forgetting the Friday Celebration.
    Every time an author friend releases a book, I buy it. Needless to say my iPad is overflowing.

    1. @Alex: That's pretty nice of you, Alex! Good luck with the A to Z Challenge this month. ;)

  5. Wow, I thought I had a book-buying/free-book-downloading problem, but if you've got a pile three decades high, you're definitely worse than I am!

    1. @Rachel: Well, I'm exaggerating a little but I'm sure it's at least ONE decade's worth. ;)

  6. I'm glad to hear the writing is going well!

    And I've fully embraced the fact I am a book hoarder and will never be able to read all the books I own in my lifetime. LOL!

    1. @Cherie: I hate to have to admit that. It's like defeat! I need to be able to wrangle all my books or my pride will suffer too much. :)

  7. I don't go to bookstores much, being that I live in France. There are many books that I'd like to buy but I rather read them in English. I'm looking into getting an ereader soon and i'm afraid my book buying habits are going to explode. (:

    1. @Elise: If you get an ereader, your book buying habits will explode! But, ebooks are usually cheaper than regular books, so you may find you don't necessarily spend more money.

  8. I'm glad to hear that your writing has been going well! This was a pretty nice post.


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