Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week in Review (#9)


Time for another "Week in Review" post.

Last Week's Writing

I finished revising the 2nd draft of my novella Pink Knight, which took me about 2 weeks in total. I added quite a few more words to it, getting it to around 28,000 words in total. It went well and I added many things that I couldn't think of when I was writing the 1st draft. Writing is rewriting, right?

Last Week's Reading

I finished reading Persuasion by Jane Austen which is a book I'm ashamed to admit took me forever to actually read. I'm a big Jane Austen fan, but I haven't read all of her books, yet. It was pretty good, mostly at the end. I also read Torn by Amanda Hocking and that was much better than I expected it to be. I was seriously impressed. It's the second book in the Trylle Trilogy and Switched was pretty good, but Torn was better. 

I also started reading The Click Moment by Frans Johansson, a book about succeeding in life and business. There's an entire chapter on the random success of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, which I agree completely on. Her success was random as has been many other authors' over the years. The 10,000-hour rule doesn't apply to the book industry, otherwise Twilight would have crashed and burned because Meyer was a very inexperienced writer. The Click Moment is an awesome book about being open to the magic of serendipity and letting it guide you to something amazing in your life, if you let it.

This Week

I'll be doing my 3rd draft revision of Pink Knight and sending it off to my beta readers! I need to add about 1,000 more words to it, though, so I hope that goes well. I need to get it into some sort of decent shape as best I can so my beta readers don't think I'm crazy. 

As for reading, I need to get back to reading The Faerie Guardian by Rachel Morgan. I left it off in order to finish Persuasion, but I'm hearing it kicks some major butt in the second half, so it's something to look forward to. I have an ARC of Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff to get to this week, as well. I love Japanese everything, so I was really excited to get this ARC, but I hear it's a nightmare for people who actually know a thing or two about Japanese culture. I'm scared now because the author, apparently, didn't do any real research into the culture and got quite a few obvious things wrong. We'll see how I react to it.

I also got approved for an ARC of Splintered by A.G. Howard, which is a YA fantasy inspired by Alice in Wonderland. How exciting! It comes out on January 1, 2013. From what I see of early buzz, it's super awesome.

Okay, that's it for me. I hope you've had a great week. Did anyone get their NaNoWriMo novels underway? Good luck with that if you're a participant this year.       



  1. You've done a heck of a lot this week! Great job getting the second edits done. I don't know how you fit everything in. Can't wait to see what you think of Stormdancer. I should try and get a copy for myself.

    1. @Lan: I guess you're right! I suppose I have done a lot, although it doesn't feel that way. I just do a little bit of everything everyday. I guess that's it. I'm nervous about not liking Stormdancer, but I'm still open-minded about it. If you can get it from your library, definitely do that.

  2. You're making good progress! I have a couple more edits of CassaStorm and I think it might be ready to send to my publisher.

    1. @Alex: Thanks! Good luck with your CassaStorm edits and getting it ready for your publisher. ;)

  3. I'm very excited to read Stormdancer -- looks right up my alley! I totally agree w you about the randomness of Twilight. J.A Konrath is one of my fav indie bloggers and he always says luck is a big part of making it as a writer. Congrats on hammering out the second draft of PK!

    1. @Camille: Stormdancer totally looks up my alley, too. Yeah, Konrath is always saying that luck plays a huge role in doing well in the book industry and he couldn't be more right, to be honest.

      Thanks! :D

  4. Great job finishing your second edits and good luck with the third!


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