Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Thankful for... My Readers Blog Hop!

Today (through Nov. 8) is the "I'm Thankful for... My Readers!" Blog Hop, hosted by Vikki @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author & Tara @ Tara Tyler Talks.

The idea is to post your thanks in as creative a way as possible to your readers. Even if you don't have any books for anyone to read just yet, you can give thanks to your blog followers, critique partners and beta readers. This can take whatever form you like--be creative and use your imagination.

I wish I had some really creative way of expressing my thanks to my writer friends and blog followers, but I don't. All I can think of to do is to dedicate one entire blog post to how grateful I am for all of you and your support. I know I wouldn't be continuing on with my dream of publishing my own fiction with anywhere near the level of confidence that I have if not for the little group of people I have with me in my corner. 

If I imagine just living and writing in complete and total isolation without being able to reach out to my friends, like my writing partner Lan from The Write Obsession and Camille from her blog, I feel so strongly that I wouldn't even be halfway to publishing my first novel ever. Thank you two so much for reading my emails and being there to encourage me when I've felt like throwing in the towel. I'm so happy I've been able to be supportive to you both, as well. 

And, to those who have been kind enough to follow my blog and leave comments on my posts here and there, I really appreciate every comment you've left for me to read. Even if I'm not as close to you all, don't doubt for one second that I'm not bolstered up by your kind words and optimism. It makes me want to stick with my goals and achieve them when I have a small audience here paying a little attention to me. I don't like coming off as if I were some sort of flake, so I like that you all keep me honest and on top of things. 

People always say that writing is an isolating occupation and they're right, in a way. But, if you want to actually write, publish what you write and say something that resonates with people, you absolutely cannot write in a vacuum. You need to reach out to others who are going through what you're going through and yoke with each other's burdens. It's the only way to make it all the way to the end, to the place we all, as writers, want to be. My protagonists always seem to need their friends to help them achieve their goals, and I guess I'm no different!

All I can do is say thanks and show how much I mean it by returning all the support my friends and followers have given to me. I hope I can be useful in helping you get to where you want to go, too.

I hope everyone has a productive NaNoWriMo and wonderful Thanksgiving later this month! 


  1. It takes a group of friends like the ones here online to make it all happen!

    1. @Alex: You're so right, Alex! Thank you for your support. ;)

  2. Replies
    1. @Sherry: It's a great quote, isn't it? Thanks for dropping by. :)

  3. What a lovely photo of the fellowship to choose to illustrate this post! Thank you for joining in the bloghop.

    1. @VikLit: Yeah, I thought of that when I thought of a place in literature where friends are so essential to the main character achieving his goal. Plus, LotR is awesome!

  4. Wonderfully, touching post! This blog hop makes one feel so warm and fuzzy inside :)

    1. @T. Drecker: Thank you so much! It is a really warm and fuzzy blog hop, isn't it?

  5. I am so happy to have you as a crit partner, Cathy! You're so right about the vaccuum -- writer's cannot exist inside on one if they want to publish. Took me a long time to figure that one out! When I was a kid I was so scared to share my stories with anyone, but thank goodness I've over come that fear.

    1. @Camille: Thank you, Camille. I'm glad I've been able to help you out!

      Yeah, we writers need to reach out to each other because this journey is too hard to go alone. I'm still scared to share my stories with others, even now, but it has to be done and I'll get over it.

  6. Fellowship of the Ring pic! You win! :D Lovely post, and it's nice to meet you through the bloghop. ^_^

    1. @Laura: Yay! I win! Thanks and it's nice to meet you, too. ;)

  7. Great post! I would love to do Nano some day. But at least I've written a little lately.

    1. @Alison: Thank you! You should give NaNo a try some year. It helps you make some real progress. Sounds like you might benefit from it. Good luck with your writing endeavors, Alison! ;)

  8. an appreciative post, full of sweet sentiment! thanks for joining us!

  9. What a nice, heartfelt post! :)

    Stopping by from the Thankful Blog Hop!

    1. @Madeline: Thank you and thanks for stopping by! ;)

  10. Aww, wonderful post! And if we want to write something publishable, we definitely need feedback from readers. :)


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