Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy 2014!

Is it already 2014?! Really? Well, shut my mouth. I have to admit, I always look forward to every new year because those previous years typically find me wanting and not as happy as I wish I had been.

Naturally, I have to ask myself what I hope to accomplish this new year. What will make me happy this time? I'm really hoping to finally publish an ACTUAL novel this year--for real. I need to finish writing my initial draft and do and receive all kinds of editing for it--but this year--I want to be able to put the book out there in the world to be read by real readers.

Maybe I'm not ready for this step just yet, but it's not like I'm going to publish the story today. It's not even finished. I'm hoping that by the time the book is ready, I will be ready along with it. If not, I'll just have take the plunge, anyway.

A Happy New 2014 to everyone! Along with myself and my own desires for the new year, I hope you all set your sights on accomplishing what you truly want for your own definition of happiness. Or, at least, like me, you can get started on your journey.



  1. This is our year!! I am 100% confidant that we will publish something. It's been a long road but I feel like there have been lessons that we needed to learn. It'll make things all the better for us when we do finally achieve our goal. Happy New Year! Can't wait to share the successes with you!

    1. @Lan: I really hope we can get our novels out there before this year is over!! We better.... I've been meaning to self-publish for 3 years and it's about time. But, I agree with you that I hadn't been ready and needed to learn some valuable lessons in these past 3 years before publishing anything. Happy New Year to you, too! :D

  2. I'd like to think my slowness is because I'm separating wheat from chaff...and I guess I've learned things this year that will help me in the long run too. I hope you progress as far as you want to this year. You deserve a chance to shine after all the work you've put in. Good luck!

    1. @Lex: Same here. At least to a degree. Not every idea is a great one to devote all your time to, so time is needed to figure out which ideas are worth all the effort because they'll stay shiny!

      Good luck to you, too! :D


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