Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Once upon a Nightmare: A Collection on SALE!

A monster hunts us. After hibernating for a decade, it’s ravenous. We long to stop this nightmare, but the end of the road is far. There is no waking up once a legend sets its sights on you.

Disappearances every ten or so years make little impact on the small town of New Haven, Virginia. Hikers get lost. Hunters lose the trail. Even when a body is discovered, the inhabitants’ memories last about as long as the newspaper articles. No one connects the cases.

No one notices the disappearances go back beyond Civil War times. No one believes a legendary monster roams the forests in Southwestern Virginia.

I don’t either until the truck breaks down on an old mountain trail. Cell phones won’t work in this neck of the woods. It’s amazing how much a person can see by starlight alone. So what if we can’t feel our fingers or toes as we hike toward the main road. How many more miles left to go?


Hear that noise?

Purchase Once upon a Nightmare: A Collection by Cherie Reich at Amazon. The ebook is on sale for $0.99 until April 30th.

Cherie Reich is a speculative fiction author and library assistant living in Virginia. Visit her website and blog for more information.


  1. Thank you so much for mentioning my collection on your blog, Cathy! :)

    1. @Cherie: You're welcome! Good look with everything.

  2. Replies
    1. @emaginette: Thanks for visiting and supporting Cherie!

  3. I read most of these stories and loved them! So creepy! Congrats to Cherie for the new collection! :)

  4. Oh, oh, oh, I'l have to go get this. Thanks Cathy. :)



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